What You Need to Know: Special Election Rezoning Ordinance No. 2260
All information gathered here is from the UofA public policy center: www.uaex.edu/ppc

Ballot Title: The issue of rezoning real property located at Marina Way in Russellville, Arkansas from R-1single family residential to PUD (planned unit development) for the purpose of allowing the construction and development on the real estate of an assisted living facility, as REFERRED TO THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF RUSSELLVILLE, ARKANSAS. If a majority of the voters vote FOR the repeal of the ordinance this will repeal the ordinance and not allow the rezoning. If a majority of the voters vote AGAINST repeal of the ordinance this will affirm the ordinance and allow the rezoning.
What is being proposed?
Voters registered in the city of Russellville have the final say on whether a 20-acre piece of property on Marina Way can be developed as an assisted living/senior living facility or whether the land should remain as a location where only single-family homes can be built. In this special election, voters are being asked whether they want to repeal the city’s Ordinance 2260 that gave permission to rezone the property for the living facility.
Why is the issue on the ballot?
Russellville’s Planning Commission and City Council approved a request by developers of The Arbors at Russellville to change the official zoning designation of the property. The city’s zoning law identified the property as future residential land for single family homes. Developers asked and received permission from the Planning Commission and City Council officials to develop the property instead as a Planned Unit Development.
What do supporters of the repeal say?
• Traffic generated by the facility would disrupt the area’s quietness.
• There are properties elsewhere in the city that would better suit the commercial development.
• The facility would hurt property values in the area. Allowing this commercial project in a residential zoned area also devalues commercial property because the developers won’t be required to build in the properly zoned commercial area.
• Property owners built homes in the area because they believed the surrounding properties would be developed as single-family homes.
• Zoning plans are designed to protect the citizens by allowing orderly growth without fear of nonconforming uses being placed near them.
• The 20 acres should be left alone for future residential development. The future of Russellville is in bringing young professionals who will buy homes.
• To allow the project in an area that doesn’t follow the comprehensive zoning plan and in an area such as this, which has no other deviations from the plan, amounts to spot zoning.
What do opponents of the repeal say?
• The property is conveniently located for such a facility and has a view that makes it a great location.
• Under a Planned Unit Development zoning designation, developers can’t make any changes to the plan without going back to the city for approval.
• The facility would enhance property values in the area.
• The city is already trying to develop an area that would be attractive to younger residents and a senior living facility would not tarnish Russellville’s appeal to them.
• Seniors deserve a great place to grow old in and this city badly needs facilities like this.
• Seniors should not be restricted to a commercial environment with their only views being concrete and steel.
• The City of Russellville already has a negative business image. The vote for further shows the lack of growth and disrespect for the seniors of the city.
For more information on this please see this link: https://www.uaex.edu/business-communities/voter-education/Russellville%20Special%20Election%202017.pdf