February Council Meeting 2024

This year, our agenda and regular meetings are both held in the 2nd floor Chambers of City Hall. They are also both live streamed on Facebook and YouTube.
This post covers both agenda prep and what was covered in full meeting.
See the full agenda items here:
Present: Justin Keller, Michele Barraza, Chris Olson, Eric Westcott, Nathan George, Paul Gray.
Not present: Emily Young (I had the flu) and Seth Bradley.
The new Finance Director, Ashley Rogers, gave her first financial report and knocked it out of the park. We are so glad to have her on the team. As usual, I'm not good with the numbers part - but you can watch Ashley go over everything here at the 5:00 mark: https://www.youtube.com/live/ayGhypmVWDU?si=_eYAnCRq1-DyOpb3&t=301
Mayor Teague then gave the annual State of the City Address.
The mayor reports on the progress and accomplishments of the city over the past year, highlighting growth and development.
Successful launch of fire-based EMS program, increased call volume for Russellville fire department, school resource officers stationed at all RSD school campuses, and addition of five new officers to RPD staff.
The city council discusses the proactive approach to meeting the demands of a growing community, recognizing the contributions of individuals in securing funding for various projects and highlighting the positive developments and enhancements in infrastructure, parks, and economic development in Russellville.
Read full 2023 Address and 2023 Departmental Reports here:
2023 was an incredible year for Russellville, and 2024 is well on its way to topping that.
Department Report from new Airport Director, Patrick Karp.
The airport is gearing up for increased traffic from visitors during the eclipse on April 8th. Patrick then covered the yearly traffic patterns and the outlook on future projects to improve the airport over the next few years.
Personnel Committee - No Report
Paul Gray (chairman), Seth Bradley, Michele Barraza, and Emily Young
Finance Committee
Eric Westcott (chairman), Nathan George, Justin Keller, and Chris Olson.
Finance Report
(presented first) Item 2: Resolution Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk Treasurer to Execute an Amendment to an Agreement With the Boys & Girls Club.
Item 1: Approved reimbursement request from Boys &Girls Club for the 4th
Quarter 2023 expenses in the amount of $26,919.74.
Item 3: Appropriation of $120,000 from 2023 carry over balance to be used for Citizen Awareness, Infrastructure Items, and Preparedness Supplies for the 2024 Solar Eclipse.
Item 4: Appropriation of $25,000 from 2023 carry over to replenish capital asset fund for annual network infrastructure purchases.
Item 5: Appropriation of $250,000 from 2023 carry over to replenish capital asset fund for capital asset fund building costs budget.
Item 1: Ordinance allowing the City to provide a 10% discount to all self-pay patients without insurance if their bill is paid in full within 30 days of service.
Item 2: Appropriation of $3,486.07 from pass through funding from insurance reimbursement of Cemetery Improvements for sign damaged in accident.
Item 3: Approved refund to the Friends of the Latimore Tourist Home the remainder of money they gave to the city to cover the costs of condemnation of houses site.
Item 4: *removed from agenda due to matter being settled
Item 5: Resolution to authorize Mayor and City Clerk to work with Engineering Services for the Ridgewood Drive Drainage improvement project.
Item 6: Resolution to authorize destruction of old Accounting Records.
Item 7: Resolution to accept bid and authorize Mayor and City Clerk to enter into agreement with Robert Bailey Electric for electrical work on Russellville Train Depot.
Item 8: Resolution authorizing Mayor and City Clerk to amend agreement with Boys & Girls Club for calendar year 2024.
Item 9 + 9a: Resolution authorizing Mayor and City Clerk to enter into agreement with Arkansas Valley Alliance for Economic Development and Workforce Development for calendar year 2024.
Unfinished Old Business
Item 1: Rezoning an R-2 to M-1 at 725 South Macon Ave, directly south of the wrecker service.
Item 2: Rezoning property along Macon Ave from C2 (highway commercial)/R2 (multifamily residential) to M1(light industrial). This would fix spot zoning issues that have been in place for over 20 years and align that area with existing property types.
New Business
Item 1: Rezoning property located at 1405 E Old HWY 124 and 1479 Sparksford Drive from R-1 to C-2. Enact emergency clause - read one time only.

Item 2: * Removed from agenda
Video of agenda prep meeting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2-SW4HBZ8E&t=207s
Video of full council meeting: