Russellville Elected Their First Openly Gay City Councilor

THIS is for the couple at Lowe’s who kicked and spat at my car when they spotted the equality sticker on the back window.
THIS is for the little guys in the big truck that tried running me off the road while yelling “Dykes!” at my girlfriend and I.
THIS is for woman that drunkenly kicked me out of her house because she didn’t want “my kind” at her party.
THIS is for the youth pastor who dedicated a whole lesson to me in the form of worksheets and quizzes on Sodom and Gomorrah. (But…hospitality, am I right?)
THIS is for the company that fired me when they found out my partner was a woman, not a man.
THIS is for the lady who outed me to my parents because it took attention off of her when she had done something far worse.
THIS is for the ones who think something like this isn’t possible- because I used to be one of them.
Honestly, I can’t wait til people get bored of someone being gay. Gay city councilor? Yawn. Gay mayor? Nods off. Gay president? Shruuug.
As Liz Feldman says “It’s very dear to me, the issue of gay marriage. Or as I like to call it: ‘marriage.’ You know, because I had lunch this afternoon, not gay lunch. I parked my car; I didn’t gay park it.”
Thank you, Russellville, for letting me be the first at this. I’m from the generation of participation trophies- so, it means a lot. And thank you, Travis, for putting the rad illustration on the front page. And not hiding my gayness in the funny pages.